OSX Macbook iMac Shutdown Randomly

My iMac & Macbook Pro sometimes shutdown randomly I tried to reset the PRAM ( holt Alt CMD P R after power on your device) but this did not solve the Problem. After That I tried to reset the SMC. This resolve the Problem on my iMac ( google for SMC Reset it is differnt […]
Mac Update PHP to 7.3.3 and XDebug

Mac Update PHP to 7.3.3 and XDebug Open Terminal curl -s https://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s force 7.3.3 sudo su cd /usr/local/php5-7.3.3…/bin ( use tab tab for right directory ) ./pecl channel-update pecl.php.net./pecl install xdebugadd xdebug.so to your php.ini in the lib directory thats it Darth Papa Sith
Mac Terminal grep output rm delete files

Mac Terminal grep output rm delete files My Problem … list files that contains space 2.mp3 and delete them all on the Terminal. That was the best solution for me ls | grep ” 2.mp3″ | while read line; do rm “$line”;done; Darth Papa Sith